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Hypothyroidism: Discover the Underlying Issues
to Your Thyroid Condition

The Truth, The Testing, The Treatment You Need.

If you are like the thousands of others battling the agony of a low-functioning thyroid, you have most likely already subscribed to these two philosophies: Your condition is incurable, but you can manage your symptoms with a lifelong dependency on synthetic thyroid hormone replacement therapy. Your lab work reflects levels within the normal range, so you must be in good health by modern medical standards. But that simply isn’t true. And it’s not in your head. There is more to the story.

Your doctor tells you, “Everything is fine.” Still, your misery remains. You feel helpless and alone. You feel like you are fighting an uphill battle. You’re not alone. Despite the fact that you have yet to receive a confirmed diagnosis, or even if you are currently at war with a diagnosis, armed with a heavy dose of pharmaceuticals, you continue to struggle with the unbearable symptoms of an underactive thyroid.

You may be experiencing:

person smiling with arms outstretched


Others who have experienced what you are currently enduring felt as though the medical professionals weren’t digging deep enough. Do you also feel as though your symptoms are being overlooked by your healthcare professional? You’re probably right. Healthcare professionals often graze over critical components of a thorough evaluation, which inevitably leads to an incomplete, inaccurate, or inadequate diagnosis.

person holding their hands to their heart

You Deserve More

Refuse to be a victim of the traditional healthcare model that aims to capitalize on your pain by offering nothing more than a one-size-fits-all treatment. You are more than a statistic. Take back your life by pursuing real care from those who are invested in restoring your health, happiness, and quality of life.

Demand real solutions to your health problems. Forfeit a ride on the current assembly-line health care setup in which you receive abbreviated, subpar examination before getting stuck with the bill – which often leads to more frustration and anguish. In your heart, you know you’re not receiving the thorough treatment that you need (and deserve.)

When your head is filled with doubt after being assured by “professionals” that you are “fine,” you may start to doubt your self-awareness. You may ask yourself “Is it all in my head?” It’s not all in your head. Don’t let the standard, subpar treatment model of modern medicine determine your future and prevent you from achieving true freedom from hypothyroidism. Be informed.

Did you know there are over 20 possible causes of thyroid dysfunction and persistent low thyroid symptoms? 90% of patients are either incompletely or inaccurately diagnosed. At Zeal Integrated Health, our clinical model works to identify the underlying causes of persistent hypothyroid symptoms so that we can customize care plans for your unique needs based on your causative factors.

We Can Help

It’s time to get answers, actions, and results. It is absolutely imperative that you seek the heartfelt care you so desperately need and deserve. Refuse to accept subpar medical care. Your health depends on it. Sign up for our workshop today!
We will hear your concerns. We will take you seriously. We will prioritize your care. We will find the answers that will restore your health. An accurate and comprehensive diagnosis is attainable at last. A customized, personal care plan is finally at your fingertips.

Soon you’ll find yourself

  • Losing the weight you’ve battled for so long.
  • Experiencing more stable moods.
  • Having more energy than you ever thought possible.
  • Finally enjoying life again!

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Our team focuses on getting to the real cause of your problem so you can be treated like an individual. Click below to join our Thyroid Solutions Uncensored Facebook group. Be on the lookout for our next Revolutionary Thyroid Solutions Uncensored Masterclass



Hypothyroid Treatment Springfield MO | (417) 893-0099